How Our 3-D Modelling Works

It’s So Much Easier Than You Think!

So you’re interested in what can do for you, but have no idea how you could possibly get a 3-d image of you made without costing an arm and a leg?

It’s so much easier than you think. And you can thank your smartphone for it!

Step 1: Take Pictures of Yourself.

You’ve been preparing for this since the inception of the smartphone!

But in all seriousness, the high resolution and detail of today’s high end smartphones means that you can take five pictures of yourself at different angles and we can compute a 3-d model of yourself for our service.

Keep in mind that this will only work with uncompressed, high resolution smartphones. So when you send us the photos, send us the uncompressed (sometimes called ‘raw’) images.

Supported smartphones: iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy 5;

These are the photos we need:

  • front-facing full body photo
  • Side-facing full body photo
  • Back-facing full body photo
  • Front-facing hips-to-head photo
  • Side-Facing full body photo.

And that’s it! Our lab will take the photos and use that all data to create a 3-d model for you. Send us the photos via our contact form. Don’t worry, all images will never be made public or used in any way other than for imaging purposes.

So How Do I Shop For Clothes?

This is the fun part. Hundreds of websites have added our imaging technology to their clothing lines, which means that we have 3-d models for these clothes. Just look for our seal on participating websites.